What better icon to associate with your UK-centric brand than the indigenous … lion?! Strong and proud … make it purple and job done! But wait a minute … what’s that noise? Is that the rumblings of another, almost identical purple lion? If you haven’t already had enough of alpha males scrapping over twitter …
Gary Lineker tweeted “The @premierleague will be thrilled.” Yet UKIP, remaining staunch, said: “Gary Lineker is a very well-known, somewhat sanctimonious, extremely well-paid TV celebrity who has his own opinions.”
We’ve commented before about rebrands that appear to have been rolled out with little thought – ultimately resulting in social backlash. But, we’ve always been left wondering whether social backlash was the intention or if it was just an innocent oversight (think ‘Gap’). On this occasion is there any doubt? Surely the only intention for taking on the Premier League is free publicity. The audacity of it.
Written and published reluctantly.