Mentoring programmes are a good option for teams who are prepared to get stuck in.
If you feel strongly that your team could tackle all your marketing challenges themselves, if only they had the right guidance and support, marketing mentoring could be the solution. An expert consultant will provide a schedule of online masterclasses at a regular time over a number of weeks.
Sessions will cover different topics, with tasks to complete in between. You will get resources, lots of structure and guidance, plus a critical friend in between sessions to keep you on track!
Foundation for Marketing
Create your own marketing strategy over 9 sessions.
Our Foundation for Marketing workshop programme is perfect for business leaders who’d like to access expert marketing knowledge to inspire themselves or their wider team to think about marketing with a fresh perspective.
Designed to focus on the specific challenge of B2B marketing, we’ll help you review your business marketing priorities and figure out how and when to attract the ideal clients. We'll also show you how to avoid the pitfalls and distractions of selling the wrong things to the wrong people at the wrong time!
This mentoring programme will support you to shape all the details of your marketing, define the characteristics of your brand and communicate with compelling marketing messages. The final output will be greater clarity regarding what you’re selling, to who, when, and why.
Effective Marketing Planning
Bring your marketing strategy to life with an effective marketing plan full of activities.
A marketing strategy outlines the parameters for your marketing activity, whereas your marketing plan details what you're going to do, when and how. We can help you understand what will offer the most impact for your budget. You might need some quick-win activities that deliver instant results, followed by regular ongoing activities that maintain marketing momentum ... and one-off campaigns that capitalise on specific opportunities.
The number of sessions needed will depend on the size of your business and the volume of activities we need to scope out.
The final output of these mentoring sessions will be a marketing plan full of activities where every piece of marketing builds on the last – layering detail and reinforcing your brand messaging. If you’d like to talk about marketing planning mentoring, contact us to find out more.
And, if you need help with marketing implementation, we can support your team as and when you need it, by creating content that's interesting and engaging.