Orange shoes on a shelf

Free strategic marketing support for big-thinkers who want to change the world.

James Good marketing conversation in a cafe with a man and woman.

We want to leverage our marketing experience and expertise to make a positive difference... and feed our own soul!

How it Works: 3 for a Fee = 1 for Free!

For every three fee-paying clients, we’ve decided to offer one free strategic marketing package, of the same value, to a worthwhile organisation that needs help to boost their chances of success.

We're looking for big-thinkers, change-makers, do-gooders ... let's smash the negativity out of that term ... we want to work with people who have really strong inner-goodness!

Our 'Good for the Soul' initiative gives organisations access to exactly the same services that we provide to our fee-paying clients. This could be a full-blown 'Foundation for Marketing' package, covering marketing strategy and brand definition or a place on one of our marketing workshop programmes.

Who Are We Looking to Help?

We’re keen to hear from small businesses; start-ups or young entrepreneurs, working in B2B. You could be trying to get a business off the ground or struggling to express your big idea in a way that resonates and prompts the desired response... maybe you're just struggling with how to spread the word.

Alternatively, you might be a social enterprise or small charity that doesn’t have the budget to access expert support and would appreciate a more business-like approach to marketing.

For years we’ve supported businesses to grow – helping leaders sweep away legacy clutter and focus on creating the right propositions for the right audience, at the right time. Now we’d like to extend this to those who really need strategic marketing, but simply can’t afford it.

Are We a Good Fit?

We’re looking for organisations that are a good fit for us , so before getting in touch, see if any of these points resonate with you.

  • You're passionate about your big idea that could improve society or the planet.
  • Your audience is other businesses, organisations or professionals.
  • You're ready to be challenged, pushed, inspired to level up.
  • You're a hard worker – driven and determined to succeed.
  • You feel like an underdog... but your time is coming!

How to Apply

If you’re interested in applying for free strategic marketing support, please send us an email that responds to these questions:

  1. What is your ultimate goal... what do you believe you could achieve?
  2. Why do you think what you're doing is so important?
  3. What makes reaching your goal difficult?
  4. What difference do you think strategic marketing support could make?


We'll reply to your email and, if we're inspired, we'll arrange a call to find out more.

We're really looking forward to hearing from you...

Email us at:
